All versions of SPF have the ability to call any interpreter (PHP, BASIC, Powershell, etc.) from within the editor allowing text processing and OS command calls. SPF/SE does not have the REXX interface that SPF/PC had.
I've been in deep contact with Tim Tetia since Nov 2006. He did a lot of enhancements for us (and bug fixes for some bugs I've found).One of the greatest enhancements is the ability to edit files with a RDW (Record Descriptor Word, the 4 byte length field of every RECFM=V dataset). This feature is so flexible that we can also edit files downloaded from a BS2000 Mainframe (with a 2 Byte length field) and also binary AFP-Files (2 byte length field following a X'5A').Furthermore Tim has realized a command history function for us and the new command "FONTSET" which can be used to change the editor font at runtime.And last but not least, he added support for newer Micro Focus COBOL Compilers (Net Express / Server Express) so one can use "MERGEMSG" to merge error-messages into the edit session.Oh yes, and he implemented the new option "SCREEN" for the "PRINT" command that causes SPF/SE to print a "hardcopy" (prints exactly what is shown in the editor).SPF/SE is much more powerful as one might think if looking at the web site....Bye,Michael-- Yours sincerelyMichael KniggeDevelopmentS.E.T. Software GmbHLister Straïe 1530163 HannoverGERMANYTel. +49 511/3 97 80-23Fax +49 511/3 97 80-65michael...@set-software.deHandelsregister: HRB52778 Amtsgericht HannoverGeschïftsfïhrer: Till Dammermann, Klaus Stïhr
Spf Pc Editor
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Windows text editor with the look & feel of the IBM editor SPF. It has full keyboard customization, including keyboard macros, a full ISPF based command set (both Primary and Line commands) including many extensions and productivity enhancements and extensions to the normal SPF facility. Contains a built in File Manager for input file selection and basic file management needs. As well, a full programmable macro facility is available to allow simple addition of user created Primary and Line commands.
SPFPC (System Productivity Facility for Personal Computers) es un editor/compilador para Cobol, Clipper o cualquier lenguaje de programación orientado a entornos Host que careciera de entorno de desarrollo propio.
La primera versión de este editor fue distribuida en junio de 1984 y su versión más estable y funcional la encontramos en la versión v4.0, que apareció en 1994 y que ya contaba con una opción de ayuda muy útil. Este editor fue vendido por Command Technology Corporation. Posteriormente aparecieron nuevas versiones como SPF/SE. Es muy similar a ISPF de IBM en lo que se refiere a comandos, menús y a su funcionamiento en general.
i want to access the jcl jobs under z/os partioned datasets(pds) from my windows workstation. Editing jcl jobs from ispf editor is taking lot of time and ispf is very old editor.what i tried :I can access,edit z/OS uss files though nppFTP plugin of notepad++. But, when i try to access data members of pds, its failing to retrieve. PDS name given under profile settings of nppFTP - Initial remote directory: //
When the download is finished, the downloaded file may (optionally) automatically be opened in your favorite viewer or editor on your PC (a browser, a text processor, a spreadsheet application, notepad, etc).
PS: yes ISPF editor is "pretty old" (I first used it in the 80s ...), but I disagree with your "no much facilities" ... These days it happens that I sometimes use the SPF/PC equivalent editor of it (in windows), to perform some sofisticated mass edit operations for which I've not found any equivalent Windows editors that can do the same (and for which I've not found any Notepad++ equivalent either). And if you master the ISPF "edit macro's" you can virtually do any edit operations with literally just a few keystrokes ...
SolveigMM Video Splitter is an advanced video editor that allows managing any content. If you've been thinking about how to split video, then this fast video cutter will help you achieve your goals. With SolveigMM Video Splitter you will be able to edit sport broadcast recordings, home videos, movie recordings and many more video files. In addition, with this video splitter program, you can remove ads from your favorite TV shows, movies, and similar video content to make viewing comfortable, without interruption.
Additionally, it comes with features like selection, metadata editor, tagging, and file export that make file management easier. You can also sort your imported files by a range of filters. These features are available under the Lighttable tab.
No matter you are a 3D game artist, an animation modeling designer, movie editor, or mechanical engineer, your workstation which is embedded the workstation card or other high-performance graphics card must offer high level of interactivity while enabling unprecedented performance, features and photo-realistic image quality. PCoIP host card series is the only hardware remote solution which allows you continue using your current graphics card to deliver the fastest application performance and the highest quality workstation graphics.
The only incovenience I find when posting games from Scid to is that move strength marks (?, ! etc.) are ignored by the wizard and you have to manually put them in the game editor window - it seems to not understand NAG annotations (like $3) which are standard in pgn format. This is however not a problem with Scid (any decent pgn viewer/editor supports NAG) but with game wizard
Additionally, the MPK mini has 8 assignable Q-Link knobs to control virtually any parameter in your software. MPK mini works plug-and-play with Mac and PC and requires no software driver installation or wall power for operation. It has four memory banks for programming and recalling settings appropriate to your favorite software programs. The included software editor lets you quickly map MPK mini's controls as well.
I like to set editors to Re-Open last file(s) at start if they support such a feature. I really like it when they are persistent and will save even unnamed buffers between sessions. No such luck here.
This is nowhere near a complete tutorial on SPFLite2. You could spend days reading the help text and learning the incredibly powerful features built into this editor. I had a blast reminiscing with this. 2ff7e9595c